just like the old days..

Our inspectors write all inspections in longhand.. before you say What? geesh… why? let me tell you, there are many benefits to operating in this way.. by the end, you may be a little inspired to get your own pen out and do some writing. ok benefits… For starters, we don’t deal with issues regarding internet connection or software malfunctions and we don’t pay attention to low batteries in electronic devices and such.. Here’s a list of other benefits to getting the pens out.

  1. Enhanced Cognitive Processes

Writing reports in longhand engages different cognitive processes compared to typing on a keyboard. Research has shown that the physical act of writing helps stimulate areas of the brain associated with memory, comprehension, and creativity. When we write by hand, we tend to think more deeply, process information more thoroughly, and remember details better. As a result, longhand writing leads to a more comprehensive and well-thought-out report.

2. Improved Focus and Attention

Writing reports in longhand can also improve focus & attention span. When you handwrite, you are less likely to be distracted by notifications, emails, or other digital temptations. By disconnecting from electronic devices, you create a more favorable environment for your thoughts to flow, allow you to concentrate better on the content and structure of your report, leading to a higher quality of work.

3. Enhanced Creativity and Expression

Longhand writing provides a greater sense of freedom and expression compared to typing. With a pen in hand, you have the opportunity to sketch, underline, annotate, and create visual diagrams as part of your report. These personalized elements can help convey your thoughts and ideas more effectively.

4. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills

The process of writing reports in longhand can be an iterative one, with drafts and revisions being made directly on the page. This tactile approach provides an opportunity for critical thinking and problem-solving. By physically crossing out or rewriting sentences, you can analyze your ideas, restructure paragraphs, and refine your arguments. This hands-on method leads to stronger, more coherent writing and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

I rest my case.